Now showing items 27456-27475 of 41648

    Mechanisms involved in the remyelinating effect of sildenafil 

    Diaz Lucena, Daniela Del Valle (Date of defense: 2016-12-15)

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system characterized by a coordinated inflammatory attack on the myelin sheaths with ensuing damage to the underlying axons. Using ...

    Mechanisms of acquired resistance to anti-EGFR therapies in squamous cell carcinoma 

    Guix Arnau, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)

    Targeted therapies against the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) are useful to treat many human cancers such as non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer and head and neck cancer. However, the efficacy of such ...

    Mechanisms of cytokine release induced by electronegative LDL in monocytes. The role of ceramide and the receptors CD14-TLR4 

    Estruch Alrich, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    L’LDL electronegativa (LDL(-)) és una LDL modificada present en circulació amb propietats inflamatòries incloent la inducció de l’alliberament de citoquines en cèl·lules relacionades amb l’arteriosclerosi, tals com monòcits ...

    Mechanisms of epigenetic regulation relevant to innate responses against pathogens 

    Lorente-Sorolla Martínez-Acítores, Clara (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    This doctoral thesis describes the participation of epigenetic mechanisms, and more specifically DNA methylation, in innate immune responses against pathogens. Innate immunity is the first barrier of defense against ...

    Mechanisms of evolutionary innovation in mammalian genes 

    Toll i Riera, Macarena (Date of defense: 2012-03-28)

    Actualment, degut a la disponibilitat d’un gran nombre de genomes seqüenciats, el camp de la genòmica comparativa està experimentant grans avenços. Ara són possibles una àmplia gama d’estudis que fins fa poc eren inimaginables. ...

    Mechanisms of fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica. Influence on expression of virulence factors. 

    Fàbrega Santamaria, Anna (Date of defense: 2010-11-24)

    INTRODUCTION Quinolones are potent and broad spectrum antibacterial agents and, among them, several fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin, are the treatment of choice against several human infections. Resistance to ...

    Mechanisms of invasion and metastasis in colorectal cancer 

    García de Albéniz, Xabier (Date of defense: 2015-04-15)

    We studied the mechanisms driving the metastatic spread in colorectal cancer (CRC), focusing in the MAPK pathway. We developed in vivo a highly metastatic cell line using a KRAS-mutated cell line (SW620) in an ortothopic ...

    Mechanisms of LXR-mediated control of obesity-induced metaflammation and insulin-resistance 

    Letelier Torres, Nicole Alejandra (Date of defense: 2021-12-14)

    Obesity is nowadays considered a pandemic disease, and its incidence correlates with the concomitant increase of a set of associated comorbidities, including T2D, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver disease, among others, ...

    Mechanisms of muscle wasting in cachexia models : therapeutic implications 

    Salazar Degracia, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-04-15)

    La caquexia afecta negativamente a los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y sobre todo en el cáncer. Las estrategias terapéuticas son aún limitadas. Los beta2-agonistas (formoterol) y el soporte nutricional (L-carnitina) ...

    Mechanisms of Ni-Catalysed C–O Functionalisation and Carboxylation Reactions 

    Somerville, Rosemarie Janet (Date of defense: 2020-02-13)

    Comprendre els mecanismes de les transformacions catalítiques és extremadament important, ja que permet als químics millorar les reaccions reduint, per exemple, la càrrega de catalitzadors, impedir la formació de subproductes ...

    Mechanisms of proteolytic activity regulation exerted via a unique propeptide in matrix metalloproteinases and intra/intermolecular interactions in a novel family of minimal gluzincins 

    López Pelegrín, Maria del Mar (Date of defense: 2015-11-13)

    Metallopeptidases are major players in the physiology and pathology of all living organisms. Their exquisite regulation is therefore essential for proper function and to prevent misdirected temporal and/or spatial proteolytic ...

    Mechanisms of resistance toT-DM1 in HER2-positive breast cancer 

    Zhang, Junjie (Date of defense: 2018-06-20)

    El cáncer de mama HER2-positivo representa alrededor del 15-30% del total de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Este subtipo tiene un mal pronóstico, seguido del subtipo Triple-negativo (TNBC), que lo tiene aún peor. Actualmente, ...

    Mechanisms of restricted activation of the Torso receptor: from the eggshell to the embryo 

    Mineo, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2016-10-24)

    The establishment of the embryonic axis in the Drosophila embryo relies on four maternal systems. Anterior and posterior axes rely on morphogens located at the poles that will generate a gradient of activity along the ...

    Mechanisms of synaptotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease : Pre- and postsynaptic differences to amyloid beta-induced injury 

    Vicario Orri, Elena (Date of defense: 2017-10-03)

    The mechanisms by which amyloid beta (Aβ) causes synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remain elusive. Aβ is derived by sequential cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and released from neurons, but ...

    Mechanisms regulating CXCR4 intracellular traffic and polarization in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells: cross-talk with the TGF-β pathway 

    Cepeda, Edgar B. (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    CXCR4 is a chemokine receptor originally discovered and cloned in leukocytes that functions by controling the migration to the inflammatory foci. The CXCR4 chemokine receptor and its ligand, SDF-1α (also named CXCL12), are ...

    Mechanisms responsible of sensory afferent projections into the hindbrain 

    Zecca, Andrea (Date of defense: 2014-06-19)

    Animals perceive the external world through their sensory systems, which consists in: i) sensory receptors that detect external stimuli; ii) neuronal pathways that convey the sensory information to the brain; and iii) ...

    Mechanisms that regulate intracellular DNA entanglement 

    Dyson Coral, Silvia (Date of defense: 2021-12-14)

    Topoisomerase II often produces DNA knots and catenates when its DNA strand passage activity equilibrates the topology of intracellular DNA. However, these DNA entanglements are detrimental for the normal development of ...

    Mechanisms to Reduce Routing Information Inaccuracy Effects: Application to MPLS and WDM Networks 

    Masip Bruin, Xavier (Date of defense: 2003-10-07)

    Les xarxes IP tradicionals utilitzen el model de transmissió "best-effort" per transportar tràfic entre clients de la xarxa. Aquest model de transmissió de tràfic no és el més adequat per les aplicacions en temps real com ...

    Mechanistic and genetic regulation of plant responses to vegetation proximity: the roles of DRACULA2 and HFR1 

    Paulišić, Sandi (Date of defense: 2018-07-17)

    La luz proporciona energía para la fotosíntesis e información sobre el medio ambiente circundante. La información lumínica avisa de situaciones desafiantes, como la proximidad de la vegetación y la sombra, que requiere de ...

    Mechanistic insights into metal-catalyzed hydroamination reactions 

    Couce Ríos, Almudena (Date of defense: 2017-03-29)

    El tema de esta tesis es el estudio DFT del mecanismo de hidroaminaciones intermoleculares catalizadas por catalizadores de rodio y oro. Los compuestos que contienen nitrógeno son muy valiosos y tienen muchos usos que van ...