Now showing items 1-20 of 598

    3D mapping and path planning from range data 

    Teniente Avilés, Ernesto Homar (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    This thesis reports research on mapping, terrain classification and path planning. These are classical problems in robotics, typically studied independently, and here we link such problems by framing them within a common ...

    3D Partial scans models for people recognition with a RGB-D sensor 

    Trejo Ramírez, Karla Andrea (Date of defense: 2020-01-22)

    Research developed in this thesis is motivated by a vision of a future where social activities and personalized services are delivered in intelligent environments, entering a new era of more natural and wholesome human-machine ...

    3D pose estimation in complex environments 

    Peñate Sánchez, Adrián (Date of defense: 2017-04-07)

    Although there has been remarkable progress in the pose estimation literature, there are still a number of limitations when existing algorithms must be applied in everyday applications, especially in uncontrolled environments. ...

    3D reconstruction of the coronary tree usig Biplane Snakes 

    Cañero Morales, Cristina (Date of defense: 2003-01-23)

    Esta tesis explora los problemas de la reconstrucción 3D de los vasos coronarios a partir de angiografías: calibración, extracción de los vasos a partir de las imágenes, y reconstrucción 3D del vaso. La calibración se ...

    3D underwater SLAM using sonar and laser sensors 

    Palomer Vila, Albert (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)

    This thesis presents a SLAM algorithm using a multibeam echosounder, a new 1/2 underwater laser scanner for online 3D perception and two applications of this new laser scanner: inspection and intervention. The SLAM ...

    A Bayesian approach to robust identification: application to fault detection 

    Fernández Canti, Rosa Ma. (Date of defense: 2013-02-07)

    In the Control Engineering field, the so-called Robust Identification techniques deal with the problem of obtaining not only a nominal model of the plant, but also an estimate of the uncertainty associated to the nominal ...

    A comprehensive methodology to predict forest res behavior using complementary models 

    Brun Sorribas, Carlos (Date of defense: 2014-07-10)

    Els incendis a gran escala suposen un gran repte degut a l'impacte que tenen en la societat a diversos nivells. Aquest fenomen físic és un problema multidisciplinar que requereix de l'esforç d'investigadors de diferents ...

    A dynamic link speed mechanism for energy saving in interconnection networks 

    Hoang Hai, Nguyen (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    El crecimiento de la potencia de procesamiento de los sistemas de computación paralelos requiere redes de interconexión de mayor nivel de complejidad y un mayor rendimiento, por lo que consumen más energía. Mayor cantidad ...

    A formalization for multi-agent decision support in cooperative environments. A framework for situated agents 

    Ibarra Martínez, Salvador (Date of defense: 2008-06-16)

    La tesis propone un marco de trabajo para el soporte de la toma de decisiones adecuado para soportar la ejecución distribuida de acciones cooperativas en entornos multi-agente dinámicos y complejos. Soporte para la toma ...

    A hybrid approach of knowledge-based reasoning for structural assessment 

    Mujica Delgado, Luis Eduardo (Date of defense: 2006-06-12)

    La idea básica de detección de defectos basada en vibraciones en Monitorización de la Salud Estructural (SHM), es que el defecto altera las propiedades de rigidez, masa o disipación de energía de un sistema, el cual, altera ...

    A Methodology to Enhance the Prediction of Forest Fire Propagation 

    Abdalhap, Baker (Date of defense: 2004-06-18)

    Los incendios forestales tienen efectos significativamente negativos sobre la ecologiíta, economía y sociedad. La simulación de propagación del fuego es todo un reto, debido a la complejidad de los modelos físicos implicados, ...

    A mission control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle 

    Palomeras Rovira, Narcís (Date of defense: 2011-12-19)

    The presented work focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects concerning the design and development of a formal method to build a mission control system for autonomous underwater vehicles bringing systematic design ...

    A multi-objective optimization approach to the ground handling scheduling problem 

    Padrón Astorga, Silvia (Date of defense: 2014-07-22)

    El tiempo de escala o turnaround es uno de los procesos aeroportuarios más críticos y se define como el período de tiempo en que la aeronave está en rampa, entre un vuelo de llegada y uno de salida. Durante el turnaround ...

    A Parametric Model for Computational Colour Naming 

    Benavente Vidal, Robert (Date of defense: 2007-06-29)

    El color és una font d'informació visual molt important i àmpliament utilitzada en els darrers anys en la visió per computador. La majoria dels mètodes desenvolupats fins ara tenen com objectiu extreure característiques ...

    A proposal for the diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems based on interval models 

    Gelso, Esteban Reinaldo (Date of defense: 2009-05-29)

    The performance of a model-based diagnosis system could be affected by several uncertainty sources, such as,model errors,uncertainty in measurements, and disturbances. This uncertainty can be handled by mean of interval ...

    A proposal of a behavior-based control architecture with reinforcement learning for an autonomous underwater robot 

    Carreras Pérez, Marc (Date of defense: 2003-09-16)

    Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús d'un seguit de tècniques pel control a alt nivell d'un robot autònom i també per l'aprenentatge automàtic de comportaments. L'objectiu principal de la tesis fou el de dotar d'intel·ligència als ...

    A proposal to estimate the motion of an underwater vehicle through visual mosaicking 

    García Campos, Rafael (Date of defense: 2001-12-17)

    This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of estimating the motion of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV). Our approach is based on the integration of the incremental measurements which are provided by a vision system. ...

    A satisfiability modulo theories approach to constraint programming 

    Suy Franch, Josep (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    In this thesis we focus on solving CSPs using SMT. Essentially, what we do is reformulating CSPs into SMT. The obtained results allow us to conclude that state-of-the-art SMT solvers are a robust tool to solve CSPs. We ...

    A semantic web approach to digital rights management 

    García González, Roberto (Date of defense: 2006-04-21)

    Un dels principals requeriments de la gestió de drets digitals a la Web és un llenguatge compartit per a la representació del copyright. Les aproximacions actuals es basen en solucions purament sintàctiques, simples i ...