Now showing items 11248-11267 of 42116

    Drought and flash floods risk assessment methodology 

    Díaz Loaiza, Manuel Andrés (Date of defense: 2015-11-20)

    Floods and Drought are some of the most catastrophic natural disasters for humanity, averaging 1 to 5 billion dollar of annually damage for flood events and 6 to 8 billion dollars respectively for drought events. To avoid ...

    Drought variability and change across the Iberian Peninsula 

    Coll Benages, Joan Ramon (Date of defense: 2013-10-15)

    Drought variability and change is assessed in this study across the Iberian Peninsula along the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century using state of the art drought indices: the Sc-PDSI, the SPI and the ...

    Drought-induced die-off in Pinus sylvestris and Quercus ilex forests of Catalonia 

    Galianao Pérez, Lucía (Date of defense: 2012-03-07)

    Los crecientes episodios extremos de sequía asociados al cambio climático someten a los árboles a un fuerte estrés fisiológico que, ocasionalmente, los conduce a una rápida defoliación y a la muerte. En los últimos años, ...

    Drug consumption and stressful experiences in adolescent mice: behavioural, neorotoxic and neurochemical responses 

    Ros i Simó, Clara (Date of defense: 2013-03-15)

    Adolescence is a critical developmental period in which the brain emerges from an immature state to adulthood. This process of brain development is associated to greater cognitive capacity but also to altered emotional ...

    Drug delivery in photodynamic therapy: From pharmaceutics to animal testing 

    García Díaz, María (Date of defense: 2012-06-15)

    S'ha estudiat el desenvolupament de fotosensibilitzadors i la seva formulació en teràpia fotodinàmica. S'han caracteritzat les propietats fotofísiques dels fotosensibilitzadors porficènics. S'han proposat diferents estratègies ...

    Drug design at biological systems level 

    Remez Vinogradov, Nikita (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    The explosion of reductionist approaches at the end of the XXth century allowed for fast and high-throughput data collection in pharmaceutical industry, but did not deliver the expected gain in drug discovery performance. ...

    Drug development and immunological characterization of Acinetovax, a prophylactic vaccine against resistant nosocomial bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii 

    Berrio Íñigo, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-03-04)

    Aquesta tesi industrial tenia com a objectiu transferir la vacuna Acinetovax duna companyia biotecnològica a una companyia farmacèutica on pogués ser industrialitzada. Aquesta vacuna va ser desenvolupada per prevenir les ...

    Drug Discovery Targeted to Transthyretin Related Amyloidosis 

    Blasi Pérez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-02-27)

    Several drug discovery approaches has been performed to find new compounds able to interact with high affinity with the hormone binding site of the homotetrameric protein transthyretin (TTR), and stabilize this tetramer, ...

    Drug discovery with a FRET Biosensor of scaffolding interactions in the N-terminal region of c-Src = Descubrimiento de fármacos mediante un biosensor basado en FRET sensible a las interacciones en la región N-terminal de c-Src 

    Iruela Martin, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2021-09-16)

    c-Src tyrosine kinase is associated with poor prognosis in many cancer processes. Although inhibitors of c-Src kinase activity are known, they have not reached success in clinical trials because of lack of selectivity or ...

    Drug repurposing of bioenergetic modulators: use in treatment and vaccination of protozoan parasitic diseases 

    Martínez Flórez, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-06-30)

    Las leishmaniasis, la tripanosomiasis Americana y Africana, y la malaria son enfermedades parasitarias que constituyen un importante problema de salud global que afecta mayoritariamente a países en desarrollo. El aumento ...

    Drugs of abuse in the aquatic and atmospheric compartments: analysis, occurrence, and assessment of human cosumption in Spain 

    Mastroianni, Nicola (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    In the last decades, the development of increasingly sensitive analytical techniques has revealed the presence in the environment of a large number of potentially dangerous compounds for human health and the environment, ...

    Drying process intensification by using freezing pretreatments and ultrasound application at high and low temperature 

    Vallespir Torrens, Francisca (Date of defense: 2019-07-26)

    [eng] Drying process is commonly used to reduce fruits and vegetables moisture content in order to enlarge their shelf life. However, convective drying can promote product quality parameters losses due to thermal and air ...

    DSGEs and PVARs: applications to macroeconomics 

    Dallari, Pietro (Date of defense: 2014-06-16)

    This thesis adopts DSGE and PVAR models to examine three questions in macroeconomics. The first chapter singles out some pitfalls that DSGE models face when a fraction of rule-of-thumb consumers is assumed in order to ...

    DSP-based CW lidars for clouds and aerosol 

    Ardanuy Della, Antoni (Date of defense: 2020-12-14)

    This thesis aims at exploring the limits of low peak-power, low-cost, all-semiconductor, compact lidars (laser radars) for range-resolved remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols and clouds. The systems investigated are based ...

    Du musée colonial au musée des diversités. Intégrations et effets du multiculturalisme sur les musées ethnologiques 

    Van Geert, Fabien (Date of defense: 2014-12-15)

    En politique rien ne semble possible sans références culturelles, sans la mobilisation d’un imaginaire collectif. Avec la déclaration de nombreux Etats de leur caractère multiculturel au cours de la seconde ...

    Dual effect of Semaphorin 4D blockade in neuroendocrine tumor malignization: from vessels to macrophages 

    Zuazo Gaztelu, Iratxe (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    Tumor progression is a complex conundrum of events that involve not only tumor cells, but also their surrounding microenvironment. Accounting to the natural dependency of tumors on angiogenesis, its therapeutic targeting ...

    Dual function of Notch signaling and role of Hes/Hey genes in the inner ear sensory development 

    Petrovic, Jelena (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    Durante el desarrollo del oído interno, Notch presenta dos modos de funcionamiento: inducción lateral, que se asocia con la especificación prosensorial, e inhibición lateral, asociada a la determinación de las células ...

    Dual inhibition of KIF11 and the Androgen Receptor axis as a novel therapeutic approach for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer 

    Suárez Cabrera, Leticia (Date of defense: 2022-09-29)

    El càncer de pròstata és la segona neoplàsia més freqüent i la cinquena causa de mortalitat per càncer en homes. El 2020 es van diagnosticar al voltant de 1.4 milions de nous casos i va donar lloc a més de 375.000 morts a ...

    Dual regulatory role of Polycomblike-3 (PCL3/PHF19) in prostate cancer 

    Jain, Payal (Date of defense: 2015-06-11)

    Polycomblike proteins (PCLs) have been shown to regulate Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) by enhancing its catalytic activity and guiding PRC2 to its target genes in embryonic stem cells. However, little is known about ...

    Dual role of CDK5 on cognitive deficits and striatal vulnerability in Huntington’s disease 

    Alvarez Periel, Elena (Date of defense: 2018-07-06)

    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an autosomic mutation on the Huntingtin (HTT) coding gene. HD is mainly characterized by the appearance of motor symptoms or choreas, which are associated ...