Now showing items 38090-38109 of 41845

    Synthesis of glycolipids and glycodendritic polymers that bind HIV rgp120 

    Morales Serna, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2009-06-19)

    Several viral envelope glycoprotein oligomers assembled into a viral fusion machine, form a molecular scaffold that brings the viral and target cell membranes into close apposition and allow the subsequent fusion events. ...

    Synthesis of hectorites and saponites with microwaves and their application in catalysis and composites 

    Vicente Valverde, Isabel (Date of defense: 2011-02-25)

    Las esmectitas como hectorita o saponita, son silicatos laminares. Tienen múltiples aplicaciones (catálisis, nanocomposites, adsorbentes) e interesa tener un material reproducible y sin impurezas. Los métodos convencionales ...

    Synthesis of highly functional polypeptides and polypeptoids via N-carboxyanhydride ring opening polymerization as drug delivery nanosystems 

    Miravet Martí, Rafael (Date of defense: 2024-02-15)

    In this work, N-carboxyanydride ring opening polymerization (NCA-ROP) has been widely explored and used as synthetic strategy for the synthesis of polypeptides and polypeptoids affording well-defined polymers with low ...

    Synthesis of Highly Structured and Receptor-Selective Tetradecapeptidic Analogs of Somatostatin: Fine-tuning the non-covalent interactions among their aromatic residues 

    Martín-Gago, Pablo (Date of defense: 2013-10-11)

    Somatostatin, a peptidic hormone also known as somatotropin release-inhibiting factor (SRIF), is implicated in multiple biological functions, mediated by direct interaction of the peptide with a family of structurally ...

    Synthesis of Indenes and Indanes by Gold(I)-Catalyzed Decarbenation 

    Yin, Xiang (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)

    Els derivats de 7-substituts de 1,3,5-cicloheptatrienes reaccionen amb catalitzadors d'or (I) catiònic que donen carbens d'or (I) per una reacció retro-Buchner en què dos enllaços C-C en Norcaradienes són trencats per Au ...

    Synthesis of Large Hydroacenes and Related Compounds Using Gold(I) Catalysis 

    Stoica, Otilia Violeta (Date of defense: 2021-03-25)

    Aquesta tesis doctoral presenta el desenvolupament de noves estratègies per a la síntesis d’hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics així com acens i anàlegs. En primer lloc, una nova síntesis iterativa ha sigut desenvolupada ...

    Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles and nanoparticles and Strategies towards Magneto-Photonic Materials 

    Pascu, Oana (Date of defense: 2012-05-31)

    El proyecto propuso obtener un sistema óptico que responda a estímulos externos, en concreto, a campos magnéticos. Cristales fotónicos de dos y tres dimensiones fueron seleccionados como sistemas ópticos para ser funcionalizados ...

    Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Superconducting Nanocomposites and Other Applications 

    Garzón Manjón, Alba (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    Los proceso térmicos y por microondas, se utilizan para sintetizar nanopartículas de diferentes óxidos metálicos tales como magnetita (Fe3O4) y óxido de cerio (CeO2). Mediante la modificación de los precursores Fe(R2diket)3 ...

    Synthesis of Microwave Circuits Based on Metamaterials Using Aggressive Space Mapping Algorithms 

    Selga Ruiz, Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-11-08)

    En l'enginyeria de microones, alguns dels principals reptes són la reducció de la mida dels circuits i la flexibilitat de disseny. Aquests són aspectes clau dels dispositius de comunicacions i, com a resultat, s'han fet ...

    Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis 

    García Simón, Cristina (Date of defense: 2015-04-10)

    Coordination-driven self-assembly has led to the realization of an increasing number of elegant and sophisticated functional structures, the structural complexity of which would be difficult to achieve using conventional ...

    Synthesis of nanomaterials by high throughput pulsed-laser based systems: Application in biomedicine and material processing 

    Doñate Buendía, Carlos (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    The work developed in this thesis is based on the study of systems for the generation of nanoparticles in liquids by means of pulsed lasers, improving their production and using the generated nanoparticles in applications ...

    Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Materials by Self-Assembly 

    Varón Izquierdo, Miriam (Date of defense: 2012-05-31)

    L’aparició de noves propietats químiques i físiques dins l’escala nanomètrica és un dels motius principals que fa necessari l’estudi de nanopartícules de diferents metalls, del seus òxids i dels seus aliatges, pel disseny ...

    Synthesis of new heteropolycyclic compounds with potential antitumor activity = Preparació de nous compostos fenólics i derivats amb potencial activitat antitumoral 

    Soucek, Richard (Date of defense: 2014-01-28)

    The study deals with the synthesis and biological activity of 4 different antitumours: Tetrahydro-[1,4]-dioxanisoquinolines, combretastatin A-4, dioxancarbazoles and resveratrol analogues. This study describes the synthesis ...

    Synthesis of nitrogenated compounds with potential interest for the treatment of Unmet Medical Needs 

    Bagán Polonio, Andrea (Date of defense: 2022-09-23)

    The synthesis of heterocyclic organic compounds allows access to a wide arsenal of compounds with potential pharmacological activity. This Thesis is part of the field of pharmaceutical chemistry, developing new therapeutic ...

    Synthesis of novel molecularly imprinted polymers and their application to the solid-phase extraction of water-based matrices 

    Beltran Carbó, Antoni (Date of defense: 2010-07-09)

    La present tesi s'ha desenvolupat dintre de la línia de recerca que el grup té sobre el desenvolupament de nous sorbents polimèrics per a aplicar-los com a sorbents en extraccions en fase sòlida. <br/>En aquest cas, els ...

    Synthesis of novel poly(β-aminoester)s (pBAEs) as innovative non-viral vectors for efficient nucleic acid delivery 

    Segovia Ramos, Nathaly Verónica (Date of defense: 2014-10-24)

    Gene therapy has potential therapeutic applications for the treatment of many diseases like cancer, monogenetic diseases, vascular disease, among others. Although the majority of protocols in gene therapy employ viral ...

    Synthesis of novel polymeric materials for high-performance and 3d printing applications 

    Romero-Sabat, Guillem (Date of defense: 2022-06-30)

    Els polímers avançats, més enllà de posseir un rol crític al nostre dia a dia, són responsables de donar forma a les potencials innovacions i descobriments del futur. Els darrers tres anys de treball, resumits en aquesta ...

    Synthesis of phthalides and benzolactones via catalytic C-H functionalization/C-O bond-forming 

    Gallardo Donaire, Juan (Date of defense: 2014-06-12)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral ha sido la activación de enlaces inertes C-H de forma catalítica para la construcción de enlaces C-O. El primer proyecto desarrollado ha consistido en la funcionalización de ...

    Synthesis of polycyclic compounds with antiviral activity 

    Torres Costa, Eva (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    Research for new antivirals to treat Influenza A virus infections has gained importance during this last decade due to the imminent danger of an Influenza pandemic. For some years, several new strains of this virus have ...

    Synthesis of polymers with combined flame retardance and low shrinkage properties 

    Canadell Ayats, Judit (Date of defense: 2007-05-17)

    Durant les últimes dècades, els materials polimèrics han anat substituint els materials convencionals degut a que són més versàtils, menys densos i presenten interessants propietats. No obstant, presenten com a greu ...