Now showing items 41730-41749 of 41872

    What drives the tax compliance attitude of individuals? The role of social ties, welfare state and environmental concern in tax morale 

    Cascavilla, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2023-03-02)

    The present thesis aims to provide new empirical evidence on how the tax compliance attitude of individuals could be shaped by three factors: the social capital, the intergenerational labour mobility, and the individual ...

    What groups of factors do senior executives believe affect their use of executive information systems? 

    Cano Giner, Josep Lluís (Date of defense: 2013-02-18)

    In a highly competitive and turbulent environment, executives need more efficient ways to analyze their companies, markets and competitors. The aim is to help their organizations become more competitive and, as a result, ...

    What holds a multinational state together?: the political stability of the Spanish "state of autonomies" 

    Holesch, Adam (Date of defense: 2016-11-31)

    In this PHD thesis I answer the question: “What holds a multinational state together?” by analyzing the political developments in the Spanish “State of Autonomies”. The results show that among the individual factors a dual ...

    What's in a job? An exploration of what we do and how it affects labor and family outcomes 

    Goulart, Kimberly (Date of defense: 2023-05-23)

    The objective of this thesis is to explore what makes up a job–the tasks, skills, personality traits, and rewards–and determine how a job impacts our daily lives. Much of the literature quantifies and describes jobs by ...

    Wheat bran modifies the microbial population and enhances gut fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract of post-weaning piglets 

    Molist Gasa, Francesc (Date of defense: 2010-07-01)

    L'objectiu de la present tesis fou estudiar si la incorporació d'ingredients fibrosos a la dieta de garrins recent deslletats, era una bona estratègia per minimitzar els desordres intestinals que normalment ocorren durant ...

    Wheat developmental processes as affected by Ppd and Eps alleles and genetic variation within elite cultivars 

    Ochagavía Orbegozo, Helga (Date of defense: 2018-01-10)

    El desenvolupament del cultiu del blat és crític per a la seva adaptació, ja que determina la data de floració i és rellevant en la generació del rendiment, ja que controla la durada, la velocitat d’iniciació i l’aparició ...

    The Wheel of Justice: Court Procedure, Conflict Resolution and Narratives in Medieval Catalonia (950-1130) 

    Rodenbusch, Cornel-Peter (Date of defense: 2021-05-03)

    This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the judicial procedure in Catalonia between the years 950 and 1130. Catalan Archives preserve an exceptional number of documents related to justice which thanks to recent and ...

    When Code replaces scripture: Black Mirror, Technology and the Specter of Cristianity 

    Peters, Rebecca Anne (Date of defense: 2021-07-06)

    This thesis analyzes 12 episodes from the dystopian science fiction anthology series, Black Mirror (2011-present). Episodes selected are those that, as argued in this text, depict the role of technology as replacing that ...

    When leaders prioritize their profit against the organizational goal 

    Kangarlou, Behnoush (Date of defense: 2021-10-22)

    Newspapers and television are full of stories about inappropriate behaviour by political and business leaders published weekly. According to Guinote (2008), an individual's behaviour will be changed when they reach a ...

    When oncology meets immunology: improving GL261 glioblastoma treatment through cancer-related immunity and MRSI-based non-invasive follow-up of response 

    Shuang, Wu (Date of defense: 2020-09-22)

    Els Glioblastomes (GB) son tumors cerebrals invasius, amb mal pronòstic i resposta pobra a la teràpia. Aquesta tesi pretén millorar el tractament del GB preclínic mitjançant la immunitat relacionada amb el càncer i el ...

    Where nitrite respiration meets electrotrophy: diversity studies and functional characterization of autotrophic bacterial isolates from bioelectrochemical system 

    Vilar Sanz, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Denitrifying biocathodes are used to treat nitrogen contaminated water resources. The present PhD dissertation have been characterized different bacterial families with a relevant role in denitrification process. Different ...

    Where, why and how scientific knowledge on health inequalities is generated? : An integrated perspective to strengthen understanding of health inequalities research capacities : Key insights from the United Kingdom and the city of Barcelona 

    Cash-Gibson, Lucinda (Date of defense: 2020-11-12)

    This dissertation aims to understand where, why and how scientific knowledge on health inequalities is produced, why and how some places have strong capacity to produce this, and what determines this capacity. It consists ...

    Which factors drive illegal immigration? : an empirical analysis of the U.S. and the E.U. 

    Costantino, Fabrizio (Date of defense: 2014-02-21)

    This thesis aims to provide quantitative evidence on the flows of illegal immigrants in the U.S. and the E.U. After describing the flows in space and time (years 2000-2011), the actors involved, and the role of criminal ...

    Which start-ups do accelerators prefer?. A comprehensive approach 

    Torrecilla, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the role played by both the human capital of founders and the financing sources in startups, whether they are impactful or just for-profit ventures, in the odds of being accepted ...

    Whispering gallery microresonator for second harmonic light generation 

    Domínguez Juárez, Jorge Luís (Date of defense: 2014-07-22)

    In recent years, it has been proposed that circular microresonators may become an important element in the core of many photonic devices. The high Q-factors seen in fused silica micro-spheres and micro-toroids for light ...

    White adipose tissue characterization and lipid profiling in obesity 

    Dahdah, Norma (Date of defense: 2022-07-27)

    [eng] Obesity has become exceedingly pervasive, a resultant of amplified food availability and reshaped human behavior stimulated by urbanization. It poses as a major challenge for human metabolic physiology testing ...

    White dwarf dynamical interactions 

    Aznar Siguan, Gabriela (Date of defense: 2015-04-30)

    Merging white dwarfs is a promising channel to trigger Type Ia supernovae, known as the double degenerate scenario. Supernovae are stellar explosions that radiate as much energy as any ordinary star is expected to emit ...

    White wine continuous protein stabilisation: industrial viablity 

    Salazar González, Fernando Noé (Date of defense: 2008-01-25)

    Las proteínas térmicamente inestables que están presentes en uvas, jugos de uva y vinos podrían llegar a ser insolubles y precipitar causando la formación de turbidez o precipitados indeseables en vinos blancos después del ...

    Who counts as public in public participation? Regimes of Legitimate Participation in Techno-Scientific Controversies 

    Carlos Aceros, Juan (Date of defense: 2013-10-11)

    La presente tesis doctoral está motivada por el interés que los Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología han mostrado por la participación pública y su papel en la 'democratización de la democracia' a través de ...

    Who has time to be green? The 'double dividend' under bounded rationality and time constraints 

    Klein, Franziska (Date of defense: 2022-11-28)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia el potencial d’una reforma fiscal ambiental, un desplaçament fiscal neutral en ingressos cap a les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle, per aconseguir un doble dividend sota nous supòsits ...