Ara mostrant els elements 4427-4446 de 5496

    Quantifying uncertainty in complex automotive crashworthiness computational models : development of methodologies and implementation in VPS/Pamcrash 

    Rocas Alonso, Marc (Data de defensa: 2021-07-23)

    The automotive industry is constantly involved in the development of new methodologies and projects with the aim of reducing costs. During the vehicle design process, one of the most significant cost arises from building ...

    Quantitative dispersion analysis of leakages of flammable and/or toxic substances on environments with barriers or semi-confined 

    Miralles Schleder, Adriana (Data de defensa: 2015-07-08)

    With the industrial and technological development of the present-day society, the presence of flammable and toxic substances has increased in a growing number of activities. Dispersion of hazardous gas releases occurring ...

    Quantitative nanoscale imaging of synaptic protein organization 

    Laparra Cuervo, Lara (Data de defensa: 2018-03-28)

    The arrival of super-resolution techniques has driven researchers to explore biological areas that were unreachable before. Such techniques not only allowed the improvement of spatial resolution in images but also the ...

    Quantum Brownian motion in Bose-Einstein condensates 

    Charalambous, Christos (Data de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    Quantum Brownian motion is one of the most prominent examples of an open quantum system, a system which cannot be treated in isolation from its environment. The simplest method to study the dynamics of a system undergoing ...

    Quantum Brownian motion revisited : extensions and applications 

    Lampo, Aniello (Data de defensa: 2018-10-02)

    Quantum Brownian motion represents a paradigmatic model of open quantum system, namely a system which cannot be treated as an isolated one, because of the unavoidable interaction with the surrounding environment. In this ...

    Quantum chemistry and conformational sampling meet together : a powerful approach to study and design metalloprotein reactivity 

    Monza, Emanuele (Data de defensa: 2016-12-19)

    Metalloprotein are proteins containing metal ion cofactors. Compared to chemical catalysts, metalloproteins have a well-defined configuration around the active site which ensures higher specificity, selectivity and reaction ...

    Quantum control of single spin excitations in cold atomic quantum memories 

    Albrecht, Boris (Data de defensa: 2015-12-01)

    Optical quantum memories are important devices in quantum information science. In particular, they are building blocks of quantum repeater architectures that have been proposed to increase the range of quantum communication ...

    Quantum frecuency conversion for hybrid quantum networks 

    Maring, Nicolas (Data de defensa: 2018-09-13)

    The ability to control the optical frequency of quantum state carriers (i.e. photons) is an important functionality for future quantum networks. It allows all matter quantum systems - nodes of the network - to be compatible ...

    Quantum gauge theory simulation with ultracold atoms 

    Zamora, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2014-12-15)

    The study of ultracold atoms constitutes one of the hottest areas of atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum optics. The experimental and theoretical achievements in the last three decades in the control and ...

    Quantum information outside quantum information 

    Pozas Kerstjens, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2019-10-15)

    Quantum theory, as counter-intuitive as a theory can get, has turned out to make predictions of the physical world that match observations so precisely that it has been described as the most accurate physical theory ever ...

    Quantum information with black boxes : lifting protocols from theory to implementation 

    Máttar Flores, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2017-10-17)

    According to recent estimates, 10^18 bytes of data are generated on a daily basis around the globe. Our information society urges for radical solutions to treat such data deluge. By exploiting fundamental key elements of ...

    Quantum light source compatible with solid-state quantum memories and telecom networks 

    Rieländer, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2016-11-24)

    This PhD thesis is in the scope of experimental quantum communication. It deals with correlated photon pairs of which one photon is stored in a solid state device, while the other photon is at telecom wavelength. Quantum ...

    A quantum light-matter interface with Rydberg polaritons in a cold atomic ensemble 

    Distante, Emanuele (Data de defensa: 2017-03-24)

    Nonlinear optics at the single-photon level enables deterministic photonphoton interaction, a long-standing goal in quantum photonics science. Besides its implication in fundamental aspects of physics, this would unlock ...

    Quantum liquid droplets in a mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates 

    Cabrera Córdova, César Raymundo (Data de defensa: 2018-10-10)

    In this thesis, we report on the design and construction of a quantum simulator experiment using quantum gases in Spain. This experiment exploits mixtures of the three isotopes of potassium, which give access in an original ...

    Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms and molecules: exact dynamics and machine learning 

    Dawid Lekowska, Anna Maria (Data de defensa: 2022-09-20)

    (English) Quantum many-body physics poses a substantial computational challenge resulting from the exponential growth of the wave function complexity and many non-trivial correlations encoded in it. Studying many-body ...

    Quantum measurements with cold atomic ensembles 

    Colangelo, Giorgio (Data de defensa: 2016-12-16)

    This thesis describes quantum measurements of an ensemble of cold rubidium-87 atoms. We extend the covariance matrix formalism to spin-1 systems, including effects of decoherence, losses due to probing and atom number ...

    Quantum memory protocols for photonic solid-state devices 

    Kutluer, Kutlu (Data de defensa: 2017-10-23)

    A photonic quantum memory (QM) is a device that has the capability of storing a quantum state of light and retrieving back after a controlled time. It is an important element in quantum information science and is, among ...

    Quantum metrology with high-density atomic vapors and squeezed states of light 

    Lucivero, Vito Giovanni (Data de defensa: 2016-10-14)

    Nowadays there is a considerable progress in optical magnetometry and spin noise spectroscopy, which use magnetically-sensitive atomic ensembles and optical read-out, approaching the limits set by quantum mechanics. In ...

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of few-and many-body bose systems in one and two dimensions 

    Guijarro Gamez, Grecia (Data de defensa: 2020-12-21)

    In this Thesis, we report a detailed study of the ground-state properties of a set of quantum few- and many-body systems by using Quantum Monte Carlo methods. First, we introduced the Variational Monte Carlo and Diffusion ...

    Quantum multipartite entangled states, classical and quantum error correction 

    Raissi, Zahra (Data de defensa: 2020-10-08)

    Studying entanglement is essential for our understanding of such diverse areas as high-energy physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum optics. Moreover, entanglement allows us to surpass classical physics and ...