Desenvolupament del procés d’obtenció d’un concentrat proteic d’alt valor nutritiu a partir de sang procedent d’escorxadors 

    Ferrer Carré, Clara (Date of defense: 2023-09-27)

    Global forecasts of an impending shortage of animal protein for human consumption have led to the search for new sources of dietary protein, either from alternative plant, fungal or insect sources, or from by-products of ...

    Estratègies prèvies al sacrifici que poden afectar el benestar animal i la qualitat de la carn de porcs de diferent genotip RYRI 

    Panella-Riera, Núria (Date of defense: 2011-07-27)

    The main objective of this thesis was to study (i) the effect of the fasting and lairage on carcass and technological meat quality and (ii) the inclusion of magnesium (MgCO3 and MgSO4) and/or tryptophan during 5 days before ...

    Influence of feeding restriction and dietary phosphorus levels on body tissue composition evaluated in vivo by computed tomography, bone mineralisation and sensory properties of the meat from gilts 

    Luo, Xin (Date of defense: 2019-12-19)

    Feeding strategy is very important for farmers to improve pig productive parameters and keep its competitive advantage in the market. The computed tomography (CT) technology can evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on ...

    Revaloració de la fracció cel·lular de la sang de porc procedent d'escorxadors industrials 

    Toldrà i Alegret, Mònica (Date of defense: 2002-11-22)

    La sang de porc és un subproducte comestible que es genera als escorxadors industrials durant el procés d'obtenció de la canal. Aquest subproducte es caracteritza per presentar una elevada càrrega contaminant i, degut a ...

    Technologies to determine quality parameters and the effect of high pressure processing on dry-cured ham 

    Rubio Celorio, Marc (Date of defense: 2015-07-09)

    The research for new technologies able to determine quality parameters as well as study the effect of High Pressure Processing (HPP) on dry-cured ham is of scientific interest because the information obtained is useful for ...