Now showing items 21-32 of 32

    Methodological approaches for the study of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging in Down syndrome 

    Cañete Massé, Cristina (Date of defense: 2022-12-22)

    [eng] Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition associated with intellectual disability. Although many researchers have focused on their physiological and cognitive characteristics, the underlying brain ...

    Patrons d'activitat i proxèmia en l'avaluació del benestar en goril·les captius (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) 

    García Navarro, Ana Maria (Date of defense: 2019-04-10)

    Aquesta tesi sorgeix com a resposta als principals problemes de benestar que poden afectar a la majoria d’animals que viuen en zoològics i aquaris. En concret, ha estat motivada per la complexitat que suposa mantenir grans ...

    La perseverancia como clave de la autorregulación para prevenir la procrastinación y promover un estilo de vida saludable 

    Elizondo Vicencio, Karla Lorena (Date of defense: 2022-07-13)

    [spa] La procrastinación ha sido definida de distintas maneras, no obstante, la mayoría converge en entenderla como el no cumplir o completar las actividades programadas, lo cual suele acarrear consecuencias adversas de ...

    Políticas y estrategias de integración laboral de personas con discapacidad y comportamiento organizativo 

    Pérez Conesa, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2019-03-28)

    La presente tesis tiene por objeto analizar la influencia de las políticas y estrategias de integración laboral de personas con discapacidad sobre la organización y sobre los empleados partiendo de la perspectiva de la ...

    Queer terror management: Theory, test and indicators towards a psychosocial intervention in gender stereotypes via death attitudes 

    Stiller, Mel (Date of defense: 2021-05-12)

    Guided by the value of equal opportunities, the present thesis strives to provide indicators for psychosocial intervention that contribute to the eradication of gender stereotypes. For this purpose, a novel theory is ...

    Relaciones entre los factores psicosociales de la Agencia Europea para la seguridad y salud en el trabajo y la accidentabilidad laboral en el sector metalúrgico español 

    García Cardó, Alfonso (Date of defense: 2020-03-06)

    En España, en la mayoría de empresas y por normal general, los factores de riesgo psicosocial se gestionan aisladamente del resto de disciplinas de la prevención de riesgos laborales (seguridad, higiene industrial ...

    Seguiment de parelles infèrtils amb fills nats amb tècniques de reproducció assistida mitjançant observació indirecta 

    Camps Bellonch, Núria (Date of defense: 2021-09-28)

    Les tècniques de reproducció assistida s’iniciaren en el nostre entorn al voltant de quaranta anys enrere. La majoria dels estudis realitzats aporten resultats obtinguts mitjançant metodologia quantitativa, que no permet ...

    Seqüeles, morbiditat i comorbiditat en el desenvolupament d’un grup d’infants prematurs 

    Cortada i Esteve, Marcel (Date of defense: 2017-03-06)

    La present tesi es centra en analitzar aquells factors que poden incidir en el desenvolupament cognitiu en infants prematurs o a terme, i que han requerit que fossin ingressats a una Unitat de Cures Intensives Neonatals ...

    Stressful life events and first-episode psychosis 

    Butjosa Molines, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    Nowadays, advances in affective and social neuroscience have shown how the exposure to environmental factors has an impact on the structure and functioning of the brain being thus, active agents in the formation of an ...

    The theoretical background of Abusive Supervision, the daily effect over employees' emotions and recovery experience afterwork 

    Gallegos Castro, Ivonne (Date of defense: 2022-07-07)

    [eng] Our dissertation is based on the research of the abusive supervision (AS) phenomenon at the workplace. Since 2000, AS literature demonstrates the importance to investigate the antecedents and negative consequences ...

    Trajectory-based motivational profiles and performance: evidence from the academic context 

    Wietrak, Emilia A. (Date of defense: 2022-11-29)

    [eng] The purpose of the present doctoral thesis is to contribute to the research on motivation quality by analyzing longitudinal profiles of different motivational variables and their relationship with performance in ...

    Video game addiction: validation of tests and evaluation in the community population 

    Maldonado Murciano, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-06-02)

    [eng] In recent decades, video games have become a popular form of entertainment; so much so, that elite video gamers can be paid in a professional capacity. As such, the scientific community has shown interest in studying ...