GROw, an Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Adults with Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)


Tur Domenech, Cintia


Quero Castellano, Soledad

Campos Bacas, Daniel


Quero Castellano, Soledad

Date of defense



258 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia


Losing a loved one is a painful process with physical, psychological, and social consequences. Between 9.8 and 21.5% of bereaved adults are at risk of developing Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD). There are effective treatments for PGD, but this does not ensure that the treatments reach the people who need them. The aim of this thesis was to explore the feasibility and the potential effectiveness of GROw, a novel Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy (iCBT) for adults with PGD. This tesis includes a literature review of published studies that have tested an Internet-based treatment for PGD, a multiple-baseline single-case experimental study and a randomized feasibility trial study. The results showed that GROw was feasible and well-accepted in terms of adherence, preferences, expectations, satisfaction, and qualitative opinions about the usefulness of the intervention. In addition, GROw showed strong potential in treating grief-related symptomatology, compared to the same intervention delivered face-to-face through videoconference.


iCBT; Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; Prolonged Grief Disorder; PGD; Multiple-baseline single-case; Randomized feasibility trial


159.9 - Psychology

Knowledge Area



Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional


2023_Tesis_Tur Domenech_Cintia.pdf




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