Now showing items 21-40 of 129

    Cultural and structural explanations of fertility : the Spanish case at the beginning of the 21sr century 

    Delclós Gómez-Morán, Carlos Eric (Date of defense: 2014-09-22)

    Esta tesis analiza la natalidad en España a principios del S.XXI. Incluye tres capítulos empíricos sobre el impacto de los factores culturales sobre la natalidad, el impacto de los factores estructurales y culturales ...

    Culturally diversifying experiences: new methodologies, diverse samples, integrated perspectives 

    Soler Pastor, Elia (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    This dissertation explores the structure and impacts of culturally diversifying experiences, on a series of intra- and interpersonal outcomes. It extends prior research by using diverse conceptualizations (experimentally ...

    La difusión de Programas de Transferencia Condicionada en América Latina 1990-2010 

    Osorio Gonnet, Cecilia (Date of defense: 2015-01-29)

    Los Programas de Transferencias Condicionadas (PTC) tienen como objetivo la superación de la pobreza proveyendo efectivo a los hogares de bajos ingresos, a condición de que las familias utilicen determinados servicios de ...

    Diverging parenting behavior: education, gender, class and institutions 

    Gracia, Pablo (Date of defense: 2012-07-10)

    Esta tesis doctoral investiga cómo el cuidado parental varía por educación, género, clase social y países. Se usan datos de uso del tiempo para Gran Bretaña, Dinamarca, Flandes y España. Éstos son los resultados principales: ...

    Diversity in uniform. An exploration of diversity and a comprehensive analysis of the regional police forces in Catalonia and Utrecht 

    Ewijk, Anne R. van (Date of defense: 2011-07-08)

    This dissertation consists of three papers on diversity and diversity policy within organizations in general and within police forces in Europe in particular. The first paper provides an analytical framework that identifies ...

    The Diversity of union and fertility trajectories in the UK 

    Di Nallo, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2019-02-21)

    This thesis explores the increasing complexity in the life course in the United Kingdom. The first article illustrates the association between parents’ socio-economic position and children’s transition to first union and ...

    Dynamics of well being among immigrants 

    Obućina, Ognjen (Date of defense: 2012-07-16)

    The broad objective of this thesis is to study the patterns of objective and subjective well-being among the immigrants in Europe. The main part of the thesis consists of three single-authored empirical chapters. The first ...

    Educational institutions and their effect on inequality: three papers on educational systems and inequality of achievement and opportunity 

    Cimentada, Jorge (Date of defense: 2019-09-25)

    By placing particular attention to the socio-economic dimension, this thesis explores the role of three pillars of an educational system: decentralization, early education and curricular tracking. The first article focuses ...

    El anarquismo en el espejo judío 

    Mellado López, Yago (Date of defense: 2013-12-18)

    En esta investigación abordaremos la confrontación del anarquismo y la politización de la identidad judía. Lo haremos analizando la participación judía en el interior del movimiento y el pensamiento anarquista, los ...

    El Estudio del comportamiento electoral en España : su ubicación dentro de la ciencia, su relación con la estadística y las nuevas posibilidades de análisis que se ofrece 

    Coduras, Alícia (Date of defense: 1998-12-21)

    Se trata de una exposición acerca de la ubicación de los estudios de investigación sobre Comportamiento y Resultados electorales en el ámbito de la Ciencia Política. En dicha exposición se profundiza sobre diversos aspectos ...

    El Federalisme executiu i el debat sobre la qüestió nacional al Canadà 

    Sort Jané, Josep (Date of defense: 2001-12-18)

    En aquesta tesi s'estudia el federalisme executiu canadenc. Entenem per aquest concepte el model de relacions intergovernamentals caracteritzat pel fet que les relacions entre els diferentes nivells de poder a l'interior ...

    El regreso de las identidades perdidas: movimientos indígenas en países centro-andinos 

    Álamo Pons, Óscar del (Date of defense: 2006-12-27)

    Esta investigación analiza los procesos de organización y emergencia indígena en los países centro-andinos (Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú) de la región <br/>latinoamericana. En concreto, determina aquellos factores que determinan ...

    Employment, motherhood and parental leaves in Spain 

    Lapuerta, Irene (Date of defense: 2012-04-03)

    Esta tesis doctoral analiza la eficacia del sistema de licencias parentales en España para facilitar la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar y promover la igualdad de género. Para ello, el primer artículo explora ...

    Essays on residential trajectories and social ties in the stage of early adulthood 

    Vidal Torre, Sergi (Date of defense: 2009-11-13)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral es composa de tres linies de recerca en que s'analitza de forma dinàmica l'associació entre mobilitat residencial / migracions i les relacions social que es troben en el lloc de residència. Les tres ...

    Ethnicity and education in England: ethnic diferentials in academic progress, expectations and choices 

    Fernández Reino, Mariña (Date of defense: 2013-09-20)

    This dissertation focuses on the ethnic inequalities in education in the English context. It is structured in three main thematic sections, each of which aims at answering different though highly connected research questions. ...

    Examining investment in natural gas infrastructure: governability, policy and regulatory analysis in qualitative perspective 

    Hernández Ibarzábal, José alberto (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    This thesis consists of three articles that study qualitatively investment in natural gas infrastructure with emphasis on regulatory governance, regulatory and energy policies and governability using different research ...

    Expresividad, cálculo y movilización en la decisión de votar 

    Santana Leitner, Andrés (Date of defense: 2008-01-18)

    La tesis estudia los factores que inciden sobre el voto, esto es, sobre la decisión de los ciudadanos de votar o abstenerse, decisión que entronca con cuestiones teóricas y sustantivas fundamentales de la ciencia política. ...

    Family dynamics of international migrants and their descendants 

    Kraus, Elisabeth Katharina (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    This dissertation tries to shed new light on the relationship between migration and fertility by concentrating on two migration contexts and applying different quantitative methods and taking various perspectives. The ...

    Federalism and the creation of new states : justifying internal secession 

    Gilliland, Anthony C. (Date of defense: 2014-06-19)

    This thesis addresses the creation of new states within federal arrangements – particularly federations - and their justification in liberal democratic contexts. It is presented as a set of three cumulative articles. The ...

    Fertility and family ties in times of demographic changes 

    Rutigliano, Roberta (Date of defense: 2017-11-30)

    This thesis investigates how big economic and demographic changes over the past century influence fertility dynamics with a particular focus on family ties. The first chapter investigates the role of type of partnership ...