Ara mostrant els elements 18-37 de 42

    Entrainment of semiconductor lasers : noise, modulation and synchronization 

    Martín Buldú, Javier (Data de defensa: 2003-06-30)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la dinámica de los láseres de semiconductor (LS) con realimentación óptica, tanto desde el punto de vista experimental como numérico. La reflexión de la luz emitida por el láser, ...

    Estudi de sals foses mitjançant la dinàmica molecular 

    Alcaraz i Sendra, Olga (Data de defensa: 2001-01-03)

    El treball Estudi de sals foses mitjançant la dinàmica molecular està integrat dins la línia de recerca Simulació de comportament atòmic en la matèria condensada i amb ell s'han assolit dos grans objectius. El primer ...

    Estudio de la carga de espacio en polímeros amorfos por espectroscopia dieléctrica 

    Mudarra López, Miguel (Data de defensa: 2000-01-17)

    El término carga de espacio describe el estado eléctrico de un material, mal conductor, que mantiene una distribución de cargas eléctricas relativamente inmóviles. El estudio del efecto de la carga de espacio sobre las ...

    Estudio del efecto de la cristalización fría y del envejecimiento físico en las relajaciones de los polímeros mediante la técnica de corrientes estimuladas térmicamente 

    Cañadas Lorenzo, Juan Carlos (Data de defensa: 1999-02-05)

    Los resultados que se analizan en este trabajo proceden fundamentalmente de dos polímeros (PET, PEN) y hemos utilizado esencialmente la técnica TSC centrándonos en el comportamiento de los mecanismos de conducción ligados ...

    Estudio del transporte de energía en plasma de fusión termonuclear con medidas experimentales obtenidas del espectrometro de intercambio de carga, realizado mediante técnicas de participación remota. 

    Fontdecaba Climent, Josep Maria (Data de defensa: 2004-01-16)

    En la investigació de la fusió termonuclear controlada per confinament magnètic es important conèixer el transport d'energia en els plasmes, doncs aquest transport és el que fa que es refredi més o menys ràpidament amb el ...

    Evaluación de procedimientos desde la perspectiva probabilistica para la seguridad nuclear: aplicación a un reactor Westinghouse PWR 

    Martínez Cid, Manuel (Data de defensa: 2012-11-09)

    Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the evaluation of procedures in the Nuclear Safety field. Application to a pressurized water reactor. The studies contained in this PhD are involved in the Nuclear Safety research field. ...

    Experimental study of feedback-induced dynamics in semiconductor lasers : from symbolic analysis to subwavelength position sensing 

    Aragoneses Aguado, Andrés (Data de defensa: 2014-06-18)

    The aim of this thesis is the study of the dynamics induced by optical feedback in semiconductor lasers. This study aims, on the one hand, to improve our knowledge of stocahstic complex systems, and on the other hand, to ...

    Exploiting nonlinearity and noise in optical tweezers and semiconductor lasers : from resonant damping to stochastic logic gates and extreme pulses 

    Perrone, Sandro (Data de defensa: 2014-02-07)

    This thesis is focused on the study of stochastic and nonlinear dynamics in optical systems. First, we study experimentally the dynamics of a Brownian nanometer particle in an optical trap subjected to an external forcing. ...

    First measurement of beta-decay half-lives and neutron emission probabilities in several isotopes beyond N = 126 

    Caballero Folch, Roger (Data de defensa: 2015-06-05)

    In this work beta-decay half-lives and neutron-emission probability values have been experimentally determined for first time in several nuclei beyond the neutron-shell closure at N=126. To this aim the accelerator complex ...

    IFMIF accelerator facility RAMI analyses in the engineering design phase 

    Bargalló Font, Enric (Data de defensa: 2014-05-09)

    The planned International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) has the mission to test and qualify materials for future fusion reactors. IFMIF will employ the deuteron-lithium stripping reaction to irradiate the ...

    Interacció Paramètrica no Lineal en Materials amb Nano-Estructuració Ordenada 

    Maymó Camós, Marc (Data de defensa: 2007-11-29)

    Les interaccions no lineals de segon ordre són, probablement, uns dels processos de l'òptica no lineal més utilitzats i rellevants en quant a les seves aplicacions. Aquestes interaccions només són eficients en materials ...

    Mesógenos alquiloxicianobifenilos : aspectos teóricos y experimentales en las transiciones de fase SmA-N y N-I 

    Cusmin, Paul (Data de defensa: 2009-03-11)

    The work presented here has been focused, basically, on the study of the SmA-N and N-I phase transitions of a group of liquid crystals, the alkyloxycyanobiphenyls (nOCB), in which, for some of them, as it is the case of ...

    Monte Carlo and experimental small-field dosimetry applied to spatially fractionated synchrotron radiotherapy techniques 

    Martínez Rovira, Immaculada (Data de defensa: 2012-03-12)

    Two innovative radiotherapy (RT) approaches are under development at the ID17 Biomedical Beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF): microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) and minibeam radiation therapy ...

    Multi-dimensional simulations of mixing in classical novae 

    Casanova Bustamante, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2011-11-03)

    Classical nova explosions are stellar explosions that take place in close binary systems with an energy release only exceeded by gamma-ray bursts and supernova explosions. Matter from the white dwarf flows through the inner ...

    New developments on preparation of cooled and bunched radioactive ion beams at ISOL-Facilities: the ISCOOL project and the rotating wall cooling 

    Podadera Aliseda, Ivan (Data de defensa: 2006-07-07)

    Last years have become very productive for the research, construction and development of new facilities devoted to the production of beams with exotic radioisotopes (Radioactive Ion Beams, RIB). These beams are later used ...

    Nonlinear one-zone models of stellar pulsations 

    Munteanu, Andreea (Data de defensa: 2003-12-16)

    Nuestro trabajo se ha concentrado en la simulación y el análisis de modelos no-lineales aplicados a las curvas de luz ópticas de estrellas variables de largo periodo. Cuando las estrellas de masa pequeña o intermedia (de ...

    Novel applications of Photonic Force Microscopy 

    Volpe, Giovanni (Data de defensa: 2008-10-23)

    The ability of detecting farces and torques at the micro-and nano-scale is fundamental. When this Thesis started, various scanning probe techniques had already been developed to probe the mechanical properties of microsystems. ...

    Radiation Transport Modelling in a Tokomak Plasma: Application to Performance Prediciton and Design of Future Machines 

    Albajar Viñas, Ferran (Data de defensa: 2001-06-14)

    The understanding and modelling of heat and radiation transport in tokamak plasmas is essential in order to progress in the development of thermonuclear fusion towards a practical energy source which meets all the future ...

    Scaling-up methodology : a systematical procedure for qualifying NPP nodalizations. Application to the OECD/NEA ROSA-2 and PKL-2 Counterpart test 

    Martínez Quiroga, Victor (Data de defensa: 2014-11-17)

    System codes along with necessary nodalizations are valuable tools for thermal hydraulic safety analysis. Qualifying both codes and nodalizations is an essential step prior to their use in any significant study involving ...

    Second Harmonic Generation in Photonic Crystals 

    Trull Silvestre, José Francisco (Data de defensa: 1999-12-21)

    Photonic crystals emerged at the end of the last decade as a new frame to control the interaction between radiation and matter. The potential advances that such structures could report in photonics technology has lead to ...