Furthering social exchange theory in the study of resident impact perceptions: three approximations to the limits to tourism growth 

    Muler González, Vanessa (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-25)

    This thesis links the limits of tourism growth and social exchange theory (SET) through tourism impacts perceptions of residents. SET has been the most widely used theory to explain the perceptions by residents of tourism ...

    Innovación y co-creación como impulsores de la participación de los jóvenes en la gobernanza sostenible del turismo 

    Andreu Aparicio, Herminia (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-21)

    This research is an exciting immersion into the world of co-creation and its potential to drive innovation in sustainability within tourism and heritage education. Through the methodology of participant observation in the ...

    La formació d'una classe dirigent (1790-1850). Els Carles en la societat gironina 

    Bosch i Portell, Mònica (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-09)

    This work studies how the class of hisendats (landowners who lived from their rents), the economic and social ruling class in the Girona society of the eighteenth century, also became a leading class in the time of the ...

    El turismo como un instrumento para la patrimonialización de los bienes y manifestaciones culturales del municipio de Honda 

    Nieto, Alvelayis (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-20)

    This investigation is based on the problem that the process of tourist and cultural patrimonialization of the municipality of Honda was gestated and developed by the local political and economic powers, who instrumentalized ...

    Turismo de base comunitaria: perspectivas para el desarrollo sostenible de destinos rurales en México 

    Sosa Tinoco, Mariana Monserrat (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-15)

    The development of community tourism has been considered essential for sustainable practices due to its ability to benefit the local population while reducing the negative impacts of tourism. Faced with this circumstance ...

    Turismo, pobreza y desarrollo sostenible en el Perú. Los casos de Cuzco, Cajamarca y La Libertad 

    Figueroa Pinedo, Jessica Ruth (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-13)

    The present research aims to analyze the relationship between tourism and, the social and economic conditions of the population considered socially and culturally poor. The thesis focuses on the ability to develop tourism ...