Now showing items 21-40 of 111

    La città compatta in clima Mediterraneo : isola di callore, morfologia e sostenibilità = The compact city in Mediterranean climate: heat island, urban morphology and sustainabilty 

    Salvati, Agnese (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)

    The era we are living calls us to face the environmental and urban issues. As the main source of greenhouse emissions and energy consumption, cities are as well the most vulnerable places as for the effects of climate ...

    Repercusión arquitectónica del volumen de las instalaciones en los edificios de oficinas : análisis de las instalaciones de aire acondicionado 

    Cabello Matud, Cristina (Date of defense: 2016-06-30)

    Providing its place for installation systems is clearly one of the overall principies that define the building-technology uniting, and this is only possible to be made from a global and initial approach of this ductwork ...

    El medio innovador : la clave difusa de la "ciudad informacional" : aproximación al 22@ Barcelona, con énfasis en los polígonos "Campus Audiovisual" y "Llull Pujades Levant" 

    Cueva Ortiz, Sonia Maria (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    In the building of the so-called informational city, there is a explicit willingness to channel the social interaction towards innovation. lt starts from the idea that the exchange of information who manage people from ...

    Multi-scale integrated cellular modelling for the study of urban change phenomena 

    Norte Pinto, Nuno (Date of defense: 2016-09-12)

    The development of urban models based on mathematical and physics concepts has been one of the most intense scientific areas of research for the last two decades in urban studies. Cellular automata (CA), a mathematical ...

    Efectos de la construcción de la autovía orbital B-40 en la estructura urbana policéntrica de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB) 

    Suárez Pradilla, Mónica Marcela (Date of defense: 2016-09-13)

    The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of the orbital motorway B-40 or fourth belt Barcelona in the polycentric urban structure of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region or (BMR). The changes discussed in this research ...

    Fachadas ventiladas : hacia un diseño eficiente en Brasil 

    Atem, Camila Gregorio (Date of defense: 2016-11-10)

    The ventilated facade is a multi-layer element that has been used in Europe for several decades. It has high degree of industrialization and specialization of elements. This "skin" of the building has evolved considerably ...

    Obtenció d’un indicador microterritorial de renda familiar disponible a partir de dades macroterritorials i contrastació empírica a nivell de secció censal : El cas de Terrassa 

    Escofet i Figueras, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    Aquesta tesi té el seu origen en la tesi del Màster de l'any 2008, en què es desenvolupava mitjançant ecologia factorial un indicador socioeconòmic que corresponia al primer factor de l'anàlisi. Els treballs que tracten ...

    Cuantificación de la mejora de las condiciones ambientales producida por el arbolado urbano : caso de estudio Barcelona, España y Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 

    Rojas Cortorreal, Gilkauris María (Date of defense: 2016-12-05)

    Urban space is an element not only traffic, habitat and work, but also recreation relationship and especially in the Mediterranean and warmer climates. A man tool to interact with their environment. But due to the increase ...

    Light and taste : third plane side‐view combined with complex fenestration system atmospheres under midday clear sky at restaurants 

    Uriarte Otazua, Urtza (Date of defense: 2016-12-22)

    This thesis deals with sunny side-lit indoor atmospheres, in which an outdoor view is required and a calm environment to enhance concentration. Different window systems were compared: a single fully glazed façade and complex ...

    Anàlisis tècniques i físiques del comportament de les cobertes "fresques" (cool roofs) : el cas de Catalunya 

    Muntané Raich, Oriol (Date of defense: 2016-12-22)

    This document is about cool roofs. This is a relatively new term and refers to those roofs that are able to keep its surface temperature similar to the air's temperature in spite of solar radiation. Cool roofs could be ...

    Análisis no lineal de placas de hormigón postesado 

    Solé Marzo, Josep Ramón (Date of defense: 2017-03-03)

    An unprecedented calculation model for slabs of post-tensioned concrete is proposed, based on the general theory of thin plate analysis, using the finite element method, taking into account the degradation of the most ...

    Proposta de desenvolupament de sistema innovador per a l'extradossat de paraments interiors en habitatges cara a la rehabilitació de les seves prestacions 

    Serra Fabregà, Raül (Date of defense: 2017-05-12)

    The present investigation is about the development of a construction system of vertical residential wall's lining, and it is focused on the rehabilitation of the characteristic features of elements and on the implementation ...

    Les voltes de rajola doblada : construcció i seguretat estructural de les esglésies barroques catalanes 

    Feu, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-06-26)

    La gran quantitat de monuments religiosos existents a Catalunya fa molt difícil mantenir en condicions aquest parc edificat, i sovint, les solucions proposades per a reparar danys o revertir el mal estat d’aquestes ...

    Fachadas ligeras : un proceso hacia el límite : diseño y construcción de fachadas ligeras : del concepto arquitectónico y el detalle técnico a la obra construida 

    Ferrés Padró, Xavier (Date of defense: 2017-07-11)

    For the last decades, and especially in last years, light facades have been the greatest exponent of technology and innovation in construction. While they have played the leading role in several conventional buildings, ...

    Evolució de la tipologia i sistemes constructius en edificis d’habitatges de promoció pública a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona 1975-1992 

    Font Basté, Jaume (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    In the wake of the great economic crisis of 1973, the migratory movement undergone through the previous twenty years in the metropolitan area of Barcelona comes to an end and urban growth slows down heavily. The end of ...

    Exploring the potential usage of underused urban space: Hajj sites in Mecca as case study 

    Imam, Ayman Amin (Date of defense: 2017-07-20)

    The term Underused Urban Spaces (UUS) refers to spaces within urban areas that have become unused, or that are being used to a lesser degree than they could or should be. The emergence of such spaces has therefore encouraged ...

    Augmented valuation of cultural heritage through digital representatiton based upon geographic information technologies : the case study of Lisbon Aqueduct System within an augmented reality environment 

    Marques, Luis Fílipe do Espíritu Santo Correia (Date of defense: 2017-07-21)

    The thesis focus in the central idea of Digital Representations and the Valuation of Cultural Heritage, in the relation between Technology, Agents and several knowledge Domains, seeking to analyse the Augmented Valuation ...

    El component bloc tècnic : nova concepció dels traçats verticals als edificis plurifamiliars actuals a Catalunya. 

    Crespo Sánchez, Eva (Date of defense: 2017-07-24)

    This thesis aims to take advance of the slowdown of the construction sector in recent years, in order to achieve a qualitative leap in the design and implement system of the vertical grids in multifamily residential buildings ...

    El impacto del policentrismo sobre el consumo de suelo y la movilidad laboral. Un estudio comparado para las 7 principales áreas metropolitanas españolas 

    Tornés Fernández, Moira (Date of defense: 2017-07-25)

    The spatial distribution of population and employment is an important issue in contemporary metropolises, especially when facing the expansion and the unstructured urban growth, which involve a high risk of damage to the ...

    Els blocs plurifamiliars acollits a polítiques públiques d'habitatge a Sabadell : construcció amb sistemes de murs de càrrega : període 1940-1980 

    Marín Sellarés, Laia (Date of defense: 2017-09-06)

    The lack of housing existing in Spain during post-war period lead Spanish government to implement housing policies with financial support to those projects that meet certain conditions both constructive and cost. Among ...