Active nematic turbulence: An experimental study 

    Martínez Prat, Berta (Fecha de defensa: 2022-12-02)

    [eng] One of the most striking phenomena of active fluids, i.e., fluids composed of self-propelled constituents, is the emergence of chaotic spatiotemporal flows. "This regime, reminiscent of inertial turbulence but happening ...

    Control of active flows through soft interfaces 

    Guillamat Bassedas, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-23)

    Groups of animals, bacterial colonies, cellular tissues and assemblies of subcellular extracts are some examples of experimental systems studied in the field of Active Soft Matter. All of them are composed of autonomous ...

    Degradación de contaminantes de aguas residuales de la producción de aceite de oliva mediante procesos electroquímicos de oxidación avanzada 

    Flores Tapia, Nelly Ester (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-28)

    La degradación individual de los ácidos trans-cinámico, trans-ferúlico y 4-hidroxifenilacético se llevó a cabo utilizando varios EAOPs. Se trataron disoluciones de 100 ml de cada ácido en Na2SO4 0,050 M a pH 3,0 y temperatura ...

    Desarrollo y optimización de nuevos componentes lubricante y ligante para el procesado de aceros PM 

    Artieda Guzmán, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-17)

    Uno de los principales objetivos perseguidos en el progreso en la industria pulvimetalúrgica en la última década ha estado marcado no sólo por el desarrollo y avance en la producción de polvos metálicos y de los procesos ...

    Electrocatalyst development for PEM water electrolysis and DMFC: towards the methanol economy 

    Genova-Koleva, Radostina Vasileva (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-14)

    In this thesis, the hydrogen obtained in a PEM water electrolizer (PEMWE) as a reactant to produce methanol when combined with the CO2 captured from the combustion of fossil fuels is proposed. Methanol is easy to manage ...

    Electrodeposició de nanoestructures amb propietats magnètiques o catalítiques: síntesi, caracterització i propietats 

    Vilana i Balastegui, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-08)

    El treball desenvolupat durant la Tesi Doctoral s’ha centrat en comprovar la potencialitat de la tecnologia electroquímica per a la preparació de micro i nanoestructures magnètiques amb diferent aplicabilitat. Com a material ...

    Fabricating ultrasensitive metal nano-structures with Langmuir-Blodgett technique to improve plasmonic response of SERS 

    Tahghighi, Mohammad (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-13)

    Nanoparticle self-assembly is a versatile and coherent strategy for the development of functional nanostructured materials, offering low-cost and scalable methods that can be fine-tuned for many different specific application. ...

    Field-effects on single molecular circuitry. Electronic transport from synthetic to biological models 

    Cortijos i Aragonès, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-22)

    Inspired by the proposal that single molecules will be functional elements of future nanoelectronic and Spintronics devices, there exists considerable interest in understanding charge transport in individual molecular ...

    Functionalized coatings by Cold Spray for joint prosthesis 

    Martín Vilardell, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-25)

    The Cold Spray (CS) is a novelty technique for the production of coatings within the field of Thermal Spray. The use of low work temperatures (under the melting point of the material) is what makes it different from the ...

    Influència dels Paràmetres de Procés sobre la Formació d’escòria i dels Defectes de Contracció en les Foses de Ferro amb Grafit Esferoïdal 

    Regordosa Romagosa, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-03)

    Aquesta tesi s’ha dividit en dos blocs principals, el primer bloc tracta de la formació d’escòria durant la producció de les foses amb grafit esferoïdal i el segon bloc de la influència dels paràmetres del procés sobre la ...

    Prediction of partition coefficients for systems of micelles using DFT 

    Saranjam, Leila (Fecha de defensa: 2023-10-30)

    [eng] A compound’s solvent−water partition coefficient (log P) measures the equilibrium ratio of the compound’s concentrations in a two-phase system: as two solvents in contact or a system of micelles in an aqueous ...

    Processes and catalysts for the electrochemical removal of persistent organic micropollutants from urban wastewater at mild Ph 

    Ye, Zhihong (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-29)

    Organic micropollutants, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products (PCPs), pesticides, dyes and many other industrial chemicals have become one of the most solid barriers for the effective and safe wastewater ...

    Rational chemical design of Triarylmethyl-based devices and 2D materials 

    Alcón Rovira, Isaac (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-14)

    In this PhD thesis I have studied through state-of-the-art quantum simulations (mainly within the density functional theory approach, DFT) triarylmethyl (TAM) based systems with potential for future nano-devices and designed ...