Democratic Renaissance and Participatory National Development in Fragile States: A Case Study


Chinedu Ojoh, Akudo


Ruiz Jiménez, José Ángel

Data de defensa



277 p.


Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz


This dissertation purports to re-enlighten scholars and development practitioners about the relevance of democratic practices to the development of a nation. Using Nigeria as a case study, it examined the decadence of democracy in the country and offers a participatory national development approach in place of the existing system of governance in the country. The dissertation is organized i to eight chapters. Whereas chapter one provided the general introduction of the study, chapter two discussed the relevance of peacebuilding and development in fragile states. Chapter three examined the linkage between democratization, good governance, and national development, and chapter four examined African perspectives of democracy and development. Consequently, chapter five presented the democracy and development history of Nigeria and chapter six discussed governance, development plans, reforms and challenges in the country. Chapter seven presented the field research findings and chapter eight drew the conclusion of the study, and provided further recommendations to enhance development in Nigeria.

Esta tesis doctoral pretende iluminar nuevamente eruditos acerca de la importancia de las practicas democraticas para el desarrollo de una nacion. Con Nigeria como caso de estudio, examino la decadencia de la democracia en el pais y ofrece un enfoque de desarrollo participativo nacional en lugar del sistema actual de gobernanza en el pais. La tesis esta organizada en ocho capitulos.

Paraules clau

Democracy; Development; Governance; Nigeria


31 - Demografia. Sociologia. Estadística; 338 - Situació econòmica. Política econòmica. Gestió, control i planificació de l'economia. Producció. Serveis. Turisme. Preus

Àrea de coneixement

Ciències Socials, Periodisme i Documentació


2017_Tesis_Chinedu Ojoh_Akudo.pdf




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