Now showing items 52-71 of 129

    Justicia y responsabilidad : un análisis del liberalismo igualitario 

    Queralt Lange, Jahel (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    Según una interpretación común, el liberalismo igualitario agrupa un conjunto amplio de concepciones de la justicia que comparten la intuición de que solo son justas las distribuciones que son sensibles a la responsabilidad ...

    Keeping policy and politics apart: integration policies in Europe and the politics of citizenship in Spain and Italy 

    Passetti, Francesco (Date of defense: 2018-06-05)

    This thesis investigates immigrant integration policies paying special attention to the Spanish and Italian citizenship regimes. It hinges upon a multi-method design and its results take the shape of a three-article ...

    Key sources of income (and wage) inequalities: from the State to the individuals 

    Giangregorio, Luca (Date of defense: 2022-12-19)

    The following thesis aims to provide a general picture of to what extent different important sources – at the macro and the micro level – affect income inequality over time. Indeed, given the natural interdependence between ...

    L'educació en la ciutadania global. Estudi sobre els fonaments ideològics, el desenvolupament històric, la dimensió internacional i els valors i pràctiques de l'escoltisme mundial. 

    Vallory i Subirà, Eduard (Date of defense: 2007-12-21)

    Tradicionalment, s'ha assumit que nacionalisme i cosmopolitisme eren tendències contraposades, i que el reforç de la identitat nacional debilita el sentit de pertinença global, i a la inversa. L'anàlisi del cas de l'escoltisme ...

    La integració supranacional: el repte d'explicar els diferents nivells de transferència de sobirania dels distints continents 

    MacClanahan, Aharon Yair (Date of defense: 2005-05-27)

    En este trabajo se investigan las causas de los diferentes niveles de transferencia de soberanía entre las distintas zonas integradas. Se postula que las teorías tradicionales son capaces de explicar los orígenes de la ...

    La moralitat de la política lingüística. Un estudi comparat de la legitimitat liberal-democràtica de les polítiques lingüístiques de Quebec i Catalunya. 

    Branchadell Gallo, Albert (Date of defense: 2003-06-04)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la formulación de una teoría normativa de la política lingüística, entendiendo que una teoría de este tipo tiene por objeto esclarecer qué formas de política lingüística (no) son ...

    La Participación Ciudadana en los Gobiernos locales: Contexto Político y Cultura política. Un análisis comparativo de Buenos Aires y Barcelona 

    Schneider, Cecilia (Date of defense: 2008-01-08)

    A fines de los años 80' varios gobiernos locales, europeos y latinoamericanos, comienzan a poner en práctica mecanismos innovadores de participación ciudadana en las agendas y en la formación de las políticas públicas ...

    Las Barreras invisibles para la igualdad: tres estudios sobre las desigualdades étnicas y de género en el mercado de trabajo durante la Gran Recesión 

    Jiménez García, Juan Ramón (Date of defense: 2020-11-27)

    This thesis analyzes ethnics and gender inequalities in access to the labor market during the Great Recession in Spain. The first article illustrates the probabilities of unemployed people to get a job depending on gender, ...

    Life as a couple in the late 20th and early 21st centuries: how do men's and women's socioeconomic resources influence union stability? 

    Fernández Iturrate, Íñigo (Date of defense: 2016-05-20)

    This thesis evaluates whether the increasing socioeconomic resources of women and men and the distribution of work within the couple have an effect on union instability. On the one hand, it assesses each spouse’s satisfaction ...

    'Making the most of it': the emergence, maintenance, and legitimation of the contemporary Northern Irish republican armed struggle 

    Uležić, Sanjin (Date of defense: 2017-12-12)

    La tesi es centra en l'actual interació de la lluita armada republicana a Irlanda del Nord, activa des de l'època del procés de pau a finals dels anys noranta. Tot i caracteritzar-se per una intensitat menor que la del ...

    Male unpaid work and female employment trajectories : a dynamic analysis 

    Seiz Puyuelo, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-04-07)

    This thesis analyzes whether there is an interdependence, at the intra-couple level, between men’s housework and childcare participation and women’s employment and economic position. The first empirical paper examines ...

    Managing compliance in a multi-level polity: the case of the European Union 

    Clinton, Peter (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    This thesis tackles the issue of non-compliance in the European Union (EU). This is an important issue because without Member State (MS) compliance with EU policy outputs, collective policy goals may not be achieved. ...

    Managing crises beyond the EU borders: a network-based analysis 

    Bravo Laguna, Carlos D. (Date of defense: 2022-07-14)

    This thesis discusses the role and weight of the European Union institutions and Member States in the responses to three crises whose epicenters are located beyond the EU borders. To do so, it examines the responses to the ...

    Measurement equivalence in multilingual comparative survey research 

    Zavala-Rojas, Diana (Date of defense: 2016-12-20)

    The present dissertation explores language effects in a comparative survey i.e. to what extent linguistic diversity affects equivalence in a comparative survey. This is done by studying three different dimensions on the ...

    Measuring the content of national identities and political mobillization through identity saliency 

    Bonet Porqueras, Eduard (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    This thesis is a contribution to the empirical research on national identities, nationalism, and political participation, from an individual level perspective of analysis and using survey data. First, this thesis presents ...

    Media performance during the "Catalan process": trends in mainstream media audiences and news framing in the course of the independence debate in Catalonia 

    Martínez Amat, Marc (Date of defense: 2020-09-01)

    This thesis analyses the processes undergone by mainstream media during the independence debate in Catalonia, focusing on the relationship among media, their audiences and governments through different empirical perspectives. ...

    Minority nations, political parties and immigration 

    Franco-Guillén, Núria (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    The thesis is a compilation of three articles that explore the relationship between immigration and minority nations. It focuses on Stateless Nationalist and Regionalist Parties (SNRP) through the lens of the centre periphery ...

    Model territorial, autonomia i votants : els reptes organitzatius del PSOE (2003-2011) 

    Orte del Molino, Andreu (Date of defense: 2013-02-22)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral està centrada en el funcionament dels partits d'àmbit estatal (PAES) en estats compostos a través de tres perspectives desenvolupades en quatre capítols: la dimensió orgànica, la institucional i ...

    Moral and political legitimacy of secession : a theoretical and comparative analysis 

    Sanjaume Calvet, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-12-17)

    This doctoral thesis examines the legitimacy of secession in the context of liberal democracies. This is a recent debate in political theory since secession has been an excluded issue by liberal theories of democracy. ...

    More than a regulatory state: divergent trajectories in the Mexican polymorphous state 

    Portugal Celaya, Bolívar Gerardo (Date of defense: 2020-12-03)

    This thesis investigates the Mexican regulatory reforms focusing on the evolution of the institutional arrangements of the regulatory state across policy regimes. It is based on a qualitative research design and the results ...