Now showing items 35615-35634 of 41909

    Role of flavonoids in the modulation of intestinal alterations associated with metabolic challenges: obesity and aging 

    Sierra Cruz, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-04-25)

    La prevalença de l'obesitat i l'envelliment s'han incrementat dràsticament en les últimes dècades. L'obesitat s'associa a una pèrdua de la funció de barrera intestinal i a canvis en la microbiota (disbiosis). Això provoca ...

    The role of Friday sermon in shaping the opinion of the worshippers in Jordan 

    Madanat, Philip Odeh (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    This field study investigates the intricate relationship between Friday sermon (khutba) and the worshippers' public opinion in Jordan. Prompted by the taboo label assigned to scholarship on khutba, it probes whether the ...

    Role of Fsp27 in lípid homeostasis during nutrient deprivation 

    Rosario, Alexandra Carrilho do (Date of defense: 2018-06-12)

    This Thesis has been divided into three different chapters, the regulation of Fsp27 during the fasting adaptation, the transcriptional regulation of Fsp27 in liver and finally the role of FSP27 as a lipid-droplet protein ...

    Role of Galectin-1 in pancreatic cancer stroma, a small but mischievous protein with a novel nuclear function 

    Vinaixa Forner, Judit (Date of defense: 2019-03-25)

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is one of the most aggressive tumors; mostly due to its lack of symptoms, resulting in late diagnosis, and also due to the presence of an aggressive tumor microenvironment. Importantly, ...

    Role of gaseous neurotransmitters in the effects and expression of opioid and cannabinoid receptors during neuropathic pain 

    Hervera Abad, Arnau (Date of defense: 2012-11-16)

    El dolor neuropàtic es causat per una lesió o malaltia del sistema nerviós somatosensiorial, i es caracteritza per la presencia d'alodínia e hiperalgèsia. Actualment el seu tractament es basa en la teràpia amb opioids, ...

    Role of Guanylate Cyclase Activating Proteins in photoreceptor cells of the retina in health and disease 

    López del Hoyo, Natalia (Date of defense: 2014-03-14)

    In the last two decades, it has been done a thoroughly research about the role of Guanylate Cyclase Activating Proteins (GCAPs) in photoreceptor cells of the retina as activity regulators of Retinal Guanylate Cyclase ...

    Role of gut commensal microbiota regulating colonic sensory-related systems 

    Aguilera Pujabet, Mònica (Date of defense: 2014-11-18)

    La microbiota comensal del intestino se considera un factor clave en la homeostasis gastrointestinal. Las alteraciones funcionales gastrointestinales (síndrome del intestino irritable, SII) y las enfermedades inflamatorias ...

    Role of HDAC11 in muscle cell differentiation and regeneration = Paper de HDAC11 en la diferenciació i regeneració musculars 

    Núñez Álvarez, Yaiza (Date of defense: 2017-07-26)

    HDAC11 is the newest member of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) family and one of the less studied. Its expression was described to be enriched in skeletal muscle tissues from the first moment of its discovery, yet now after ...

    The role of hepatic FGF21 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis during metabolic stress 

    Martínez Garza, Úrsula Montserrat (Date of defense: 2020-11-02)

    The excessive consumption of calorie-rich foods, together with a sedentary lifestyle, drive the actual global obesity pandemic. Obesity is the leading cause of several other metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, cardiovascular ...

    The Role of higher education in refugee integration: the case of Syrians in Turkey 

    Dereli, Begüm (Date of defense: 2021-11-11)

    This thesis is a compilation of three articles that aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of higher education in refugees’ integration by focusing on urban refugees’ experiences who settled in a neighboring ...

    Role of Histone Deacetylase HDAC7 in B Lymphocyte Biology 

    Román González, Lidia (Date of defense: 2014-01-31)

    Within the hematopoietic system, all mature blood cells are generated. Every differentiation step is characterized by the activation of a new, lineage specific, genetic program and the extinction of the previous one. To ...

    Role of histone modifications in transcription regulation upon environmental stress in eukaryotes 

    Bae, Hansol (Date of defense: 2024-04-26)

    Epigenetic modification serves as a crucial mechanism in regulating gene expression and facilitating cellular adaptation to environmental stress. This study aimed to identify histone residues and their associated ...

    Role of histone variant macroH2A and other chromatin regulators in genome regulation and response to drugs 

    Le Pannérer, Marguerite-Marie (Date of defense: 2022-01-21)

    The relevance of epigenetics is increasingly recognized in haematopoietic diseases such as myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Variants of histones, such as macroH2As, and chromatin remodellers, ...

    Role of HLA-G in shaping Natural Killer cell biology in cancer 

    Arroba Hidalgo, Ester (Date of defense: 2021-02-10)

    The human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G) is a non-classic MHC class I molecule. It is called “non-classic” because it differs from classic MHC class I molecules due to its very low amount of polymorphism and highly tissue-restricted ...

    Role of human polyomaviruses in lymphoproliferative disorders and bladder cancer 

    Robles Hellín, Claudia (Date of defense: 2014-07-07)

    Polyomaviruses are suspected to cause cancer in humans although to date Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) is the only proven human carcinogen. Potential associations of up to nine polyomaviruses with 468 lymphoproliferative ...

    Role of IL-10 and IL-6 overexpression in microglial cells during physiological aging: implications in phagocytosis and neurogenesis 

    Sánchez Molina, Paula (Date of defense: 2021-10-15)

    L’envelliment és un procés fisiològic que afecta a tots els organismes vius. Al sistema nerviós central (SNC), aquest procés es caracteritza per neuroinflamació i deteriorament cognitiu, sent el principal factor de risc ...

    Role of inflammation and oxidative stress in the systemic manifestations of chronic respiratory diseases: lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and bronchiectasis 

    Qin, Liyun (Date of defense: 2022-07-14)

    Introducció: Les malalties respiratòries cròniques com el càncer de pulmó (CP), la malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC) i les bronquiectàsies afecten tant les estructures pulmonars com els òrgans fora del sistema ...

    The role of information and telecommunication technologies in the productivity of Central and Eastern European countries 

    Skorupinska, Aleksandra Aldona (Date of defense: 2017-09-28)

    La tesi està escrita com un manuscrit de cinc publicacions científiques i presenta una de les primeres evidències de la relació entre les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) i la productivitat en els països ...

    Role of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Pacemaker Activity and Neurotransmission in the Rat Colon 

    Albertí i Martínez de Velasco, Elena (Date of defense: 2005-01-25)

    Els objectius d'aquesta tesi han estat l'estudi de la funció de les cèl·lules intersticials de Cajal (ICCs) en l'activitat marcapassos i en la transmissió neuromuscular, dins el tracte gastrointestinal. L'estudi s'ha ...

    Role of intra-abdominal hypertension in the development and outcome of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 

    Petrenko, Aleksei (Date of defense: 2022-09-21)

    [spa] INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárica (SHO) es la complicación yatrogénica más grave y potencialmente mortal asociada con las técnicas de reproducción asistida (TRA). El SHO moderado o grave puede ...